Your newly sanded floor will neeed to be protected and enhanced. There are several methods for this and the one you choose will depend on your personal preferences and the amount of wear your particular floor will get. Each has their pros and cons; lets take a look at some options:
The most important consideration is to assess the likely wear and tear on your floor. An entrance hall will get a lot of 'shoe-traffic' whereas an upstairs bathroom will rarely see anything more damaging than the sole of a slipper! Similar finishes can be achieved whatever the product so initially we look at the issue of wear and tear.
Our prefered product for high traffic areas is Bona Traffic HD, a 2-Part, Water Based Floor Laquer. This offers a clear, non-yellowing finish, so if you prefer the wood to have a darker more aged look, this may not be for you. It is however extremely durable, can be exposed to heavy traffic in just 12 hours, and is GreenGuard approved for low emmissions.
High Traffic products which offer a more golden tone would include Llberon High Resistance Floor Varnish which will definitely darken the wood. As a solvent based laquer it will take longer to be ready for any traffic and longer still to fully cure. However, if you want that rich, golden, aged look - this type of product is for you.
If you want exactly the same effect throughout, use the same products in the low traffic areas as in the high traffic zones. It may cost a little extra but in the scheme of things, the consistency will be worth it. On the other hand, less hard wearing products will save you some money.
Wax is a lovely, natural product that will make your floors look fabulous if properly applied. We recommend Osmo or Fiddes Hardwax Oil products but there are other manufacturers worth considering.
Wax generally requires more regular maintenance but it is important to understand that this maintenance is relatively easy. Just re-wax worn areas and you're good to go - no heavy sanding required as the previous wax finish does not need to be removed. These products penetrate the cell structure of the wood and hence protect below the surface and not just on top. This is perhaps particularly important when using coloured wax because the colour penetrates below the surface and doesn't disappear when the surface becomes worn.
Varnish is often used as a generic term to cover both polyurethane and traditional varnishes; this does cause quite a bit of confusion! To assist, here is a quick overview of the two products as they should be defined.
Polyurethane is a plastic resin sealant used to coat wood; it can be water or oil based. It is generally harder than traditional varnish and is often used for Floors.
Water-Based Polyurethane finishes are comprised of a resin suspended in water and solvent. This transforms from a liquid into a plastic film as the water evaporates from the resin.
Oil-Based Polyurethane 'cures' as the solvents evaporate from the product; this allows the oils and the resin to harden.
Varnish is a more traditional finish made from a combination of resins, oils and solvents. It is more flexible than Polyurethane but not quite as tough. It produces a deeper, richer colour - which may or may not be desirable according to whether you want your snaded floor to retain it's colour or be darkened or perhaps made more golden. A test is always advisable.
Unfortunately marketing has blurred the two products and you will see plenty of adverts for 'water based varnishes' which are not really accurate! Whichever you choose, here are some characteristics.
Oil based products, whether varnish or polyurethane, will take longer to dry and give off stronger fumes. Brushes and spillages need to be cleaned with white spirit or similar. They will also likely be a bit more expensive.
Water based products are less toxic, much quicker to dry, and brushes can be cleaned with water; hence they are more environmentally friendly. However, they can (paticularly the cheaper ones) give the appearance of a plastic film 'sitting' on the wood rather than penetrating the grain.
Not surprisingly, many people find all this somewhat confusing. Don't worry - we have the benefit of many years experience and will talk you through the best options once we can see what your sanded floor looks like.
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